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A mortise gauge has two pins that can be adjusted relative to each other at the end of the beam.
The mortise and tenon joints of the arms into the back can be marked out more conventionally with a mortise gauge working off the inside surfaces.
A mortise gauge is a woodworking tool used by a carpenter or joiner to scribe mortise and tenon joints on wood prior to cutting.
If you are buying a gift, it doesn't matter if you don't know what a mortise gauge is - as long as the carpenter you love wants one.
IT IS NOT generally known nowadays, that the marking gauge - and mortise gauge - is traditionally a left-handed tool.
Some mortise gauges are designed with one retractable spur, so that they can be used as marking gauges as well; however, because the mortise gauge is an expensive and high precision tool, many carpenters prefer to have a separate marking gauge for general use.