Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Any diversion or muddling of his sense could cost people their lives.
He has done more than any man in the nineteenth century towards the muddling of arts.
Be patient with the constant muddling of the chorus parts.
The latest muddling of model, the loss of employee, and when to use the before a name.
The role fathers have carved out for themselves today is a vast improvement, a muddling of those old boundaries.
The price of this muddling has been steep.
We must guard against any muddling of concepts.
Tommy said: "Is it only our usual muddling and slowness?
It's too late for your muddling and meddling.
It's more to do with the muddling of multi-architecture with multi-device.
And all an attempt to revive Grieg would have accomplished would be the muddling of the evidence.
The result has been a muddling of the archetypes of "hardcore" and "casual" players.
Now comes more ideological muddling.
It is clever and captivating, as much for the imagery as for the muddling of art conventions.
Arrivals, departures, births, deaths, the love affairs of servants, the muddling of a meal.
Freud, of course, is hardly touchy-feely, but Analyze This is funny enough to be forgiven its muddling of therapeutic modes.
He dismissed the argument that family indifference, ineptitude by the medical team and bureaucratic muddling by city agencies all played a part in Mrs. Bumpurs's death.
Moussaoui's image in the American media has shifted over time, from that of a powerful, menacing conspirator to a muddling, deluded courtroom clown, a figure of ridicule.
Liberals' insistence on equal opportunity and impartiality, he said, has led to "egalitarian bureaucracy," a muddling of what had once been smooth-flowing business networks based on friendships.
She clashes with him when he takes an African mistress, causing a rift that leads towards vengeance, violence and a muddling of her own relationship with the farm workers.
Be careful not to overdo the muddling of the lime rind as it may introduce too much of the essential oils from the lime and make the drink too bitter.
The group was formed by Wes French and Brian Locklin in Austin, Texas and was influenced by Italian Horror films and electronic muddling.
As Russia continues its political bumbling, economic muddling and military retrenchment, the Administration is spending vast amounts of time, energy, money and political capital to deter it from launching an invasion of Central Europe.
His teams of technicians had, suddenly, resolved a last technical glitch: a ten- dency for the headbands to cause synaesthesia in their users, a muddling of the sensory inputs caused by cross talk between the brain's centers.
Ceramics show the muddling of Eastern and Western tastes; lumpen Westerners prance on a plate made in China, while another two plates with an identical raised pattern are painted either English-bucolic or Chinese-exotic, as fashion dictated.