For different needs, logarithm tables ranging from small handbooks to multi-volume editions have been compiled:
In the preface to the original multi-volume edition of his acclaimed 1926 biography, Sandburg wrote: "Month by month in stacks and bundles of fact and legend, I found invisible companionships that surprised me.
Other books include a tourist guidebook to the city of Edinburgh and an ongoing multi-volume edition of the musical journalism of Havergal Brian.
He published series of monographs entitled "The Nobel Review" (in Russian) and a multi-volume edition of the "Documents of life and work of the Nobel Family."
Schramm's work in this field, particularly his multi-volume edition of the official diaries of the High Command, is still highly valued by military historians.
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada has written a multi-volume edition that includes English translation and commentary.
I'm a Nights fan; I have several multi-volume editions.
(Annotated translation of ten introductions written by Strauss to a multi-volume critical edition of Mendelssohn's work.)
A multi-volume critical edition of the Mikraot Gedolot, ten volumes published to date including Genesis (2 vols.)
In addition to Orthodox periodicals, they published service books, multi-volume editions of the lives of the saints, and many other religious works.