Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The number 18,980 is the least common multiple of 260 and 365.
When the data were first collected in 1990, the multiple was a little more than 2.
By the same principle, 10 is the least common multiple of 5 and 2 as well.
A new life is awarded at each multiple of 20,000 points.
They need to get to multiples of 7 to 8.
Multiples of 35 or more have been common in the group.
The stock multiple is now more than three times the real estate average.
Three years ago, their multiples were in the low 20's.
It is the smallest common multiple of one, two, three, four and six.
You can play in multiples of six, five, four, three or two.
But we are going to start looking more in the technology space because the multiples have changed so quickly.
For an artist, a multiple can be a creative turning point.
At the peak in 1968, he said, the multiple was 18.8.
Next, the greatest multiple of 37 less than 126 is computed.
Next, one or more price multiples are used to value the firm.
There is a sense in which some multiples of 2 are "more even" than others.
There are also multiples on view, but each is unique.
A family history of twins also makes multiples more likely.
The multiples in particular are increasing their share of the market.
Sometimes the columns are in multiples of two or three.
What's the least common multiple of 24 and 60?
"If the multiple was 30 to 35 times 1998 earnings, I would be interested," he said.
"You'd go to the kinds of multiples you see at other food companies."
A. In order to support a major rally, we need to see multiples down another 10 percent or so.
"I'm getting to the point where things only exist for me if they're in multiples of three."