Jess tried to swim daily, but the exercise didn't help in keeping some muscles toned.
Their bodies were perfectly formed, their muscles toned, their eyes large and brown, like the cow's eyes along the road every night.
Their bodies were lean, their muscles toned by boxing lessons at age nine, riding lessons at twelve, and tennis lessons ever since.
Every muscle in her small, finely toned frame seemed to snap forward and down, driving her forehead into the stone.
For keeping her muscles toned, there's Pilates, tennis and Rolfing.
Rather, as his muscles toned, he looked supple and glowing with health.
Exercise not only keeps muscles toned, but can help stimulate the appetite, he said.
Although exercise burns calories, it's important to include some form of activity into your plan to keep your bones strong and your muscles toned.
And ... does he have facial muscles toned enough to smile for two hours, or however long it lasts?
Catwoman was human, and she needed exercise, a lot of it, to keep her reflexes sharp and her muscles toned.