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The musk deer are, however, still placed in a separate family.
Because of this, musk deer have become fewer and endangered.
Himalayan musk deer can live up to 10 to 14 years old.
The musk deer and the brown bear is found in the higher Himalayas.
There are four species of musk deer, but they are all very similar.
Female musk deer give birth to a single fawn after about 150-180 days.
It used to be considered a subspecies of the Alpine musk deer.
Later that day he killed a musk deer and broiled a steak over the fire.
A musk deer baby has spots on its fur.
The feet of musk deer are adapted for climbing in rough terrain.
Most commonly they are made from musk deer, hunting of which is now banned worldwide.
Tigers are rare or gone and musk deer are in serious decline.
It was incredibly old, with a stone handle and a tip made from the tail of a musk deer.
Animals being poached in the country are bear, musk deer, tiger etc.
Musk deer are generally shy, and either nocturnal, or crepuscular.
Musk deer mostly have a dark brown fur.
Musk deer have been hunted and killed for its musk.
Himalayan Musk deer males fight each other over females during the mating season.
Not much is known about Black Musk Deer parental care.
Advertisements for musk deer appear in the Irkutsk papers.
Mammal species include the snow leopard, musk deer and red panda.
Musk deer are mostly active at night.
Musk deer are a group of even-toed ungulate mammals.
The Black Musk Deer has a number of predators.
In three days, Mireuk fled his prison by transforming into a musk deer.