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It aims to create sense of unity and mutual relationships among students.
And yet the best of each group need one another, and successfully form good mutual relationships.
It calls upon religious communities to affirm sexual diversity and all loving, mutual relationships as sacred.
Poland and Germany divide its territory, but soon afterwards, mutual relationships deteriorate.
Despite its size and the somewhat doubtful mutual relationships, this family is rather uniform and easily recognizable.
His scheme was implemented in a table of oppositions or polarities, or mutual relationships.
The characters in the drama, the social roles, are more or less fixed, as are their mutual relationships which constitute the dramatic plot.
The dual worlds of the mundane and the sacred are linked by a network of mutual relationships and responsibilities.
Third, "Fides et Ratio" spells out a complex and subtle notion of the mutual relationships between faith and reason.
Nevertheless, the effort must be made, if men are to emerge from the dark heritage of religious hatred which has embittered their mutual relationships for twenty centuries.
We thus perceive that in protein the forces proceeding from the natures and mutual relationships of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon, disintegrate.
The lapidary lyrics resulted in a "balkanized" structure of musical flow, apparent not only by the number of sketches, but also by their mutual relationships.
Zofia Lissa introduced a new approach into Polish musicological literature, considering musical styles in their mutual relationships and emphasizing the social functions of music.
While Cape ground squirrels and meerkats appear to have a mutual relationships, mongoose and squirrel relations appear to be more commensal.
Durkheim hypothesized that the division of labor fosters social solidarity, yielding "a wholly moral phenomenon" that ensures "mutual relationships" among individuals.
Through our mutual relationships we should help those of our suppliers who could start up production in line with our needs within the scope of promotional or association agreements.
Studies have shown that mutual relationships have developed involving the removal of ectoparasites residing on the bovid body by the Torresian crow (Corvus orru).
It grew in her voice: sound resonating with mulled-over associations with myth and image, and with hand-gathered knowledge of syllable, rhythm, the mutual relationships of words.
The fields of research promoted by ASE include the mutual relationships among ethics, social values, concepts of social justice, and the social dimensions of economic life.
The paradoxical embrace of both the worldly and spiritual dimensions of life, and the attention it brings to conscious mutual relationships, is considered central to the Waking Down teaching.
If we consider two areas, the Southern Caucasus and the Black Sea area, we can see that the mutual relationships between the countries are usually under-developed, whether they are bilateral or multilateral.
Due to the A.E.C. engines the Vanaja's did not raise interest among the potential Greek customers, as the mutual relationships between UK and Greece were bad at the time.
We see that opening up of the east has accelerated the economy, that mutual relationships have become very much closer, that trade will profit, that both sides are profiting from this opening up.
Allah has quite unambiguously informed that knowledge about the universe and human body will progressively reveal to humanity since acquiring of knowledge needs constant and persistent pursuit of things to find mutual relationships.
An intelligent conviction and profound faith in the essential nature of the soul, of matter, and of their mutual relationships, actions and reactions, is a necessary condition for launching upon the path of liberation.