Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
That was the only clear fact in a mystifying case.
They let him go after a mystifying series of questions and answers.
The arts of reading and writing are even more mystifying.
Or was he still trying to figure out how the mystifying instrument worked?
We had a certain association as allies in a very mystifying matter.
Once, on a mystifying series of buses, the trip took three hours.
Johnson should pitch in many more, of course, but his mystifying season took another wrong turn Sunday.
Aristotle's book had begun with it, in a most mystifying way.
But perhaps the more mystifying change of perception concerns Japan.
More mystifying than the Taliban's visa process is their legal system.
But that brought up an even more mystifying question.
A television news reporter has mystifying experiences when she covers a story.
It was not the first time such a mystifying "coincidence" had occurred.
"She had a mystifying ability to get people to do what she wanted."
Every time our gazes locked he would ask me some mystifying question to do with America.
So to make up for that shortcoming, you always call it by some mystifying name.
The Cubans, who are more mystifying than any other team, were pounded for the second time in three games.
And the fact he truly had no idea why these murders were happening only made them all the more mystifying.
How mystifying, though, that the subject had been found in Constantinople of all places!
My other mystifying experiences all occurred around the same age, when I was ten or eleven.
I guess we've learned everything we can for now, though at the moment the mystery seems more mystifying than ever."
His actions were too mystifying for the spectators to figure out."
Almost every god that you would have heard of resides in this mystifying cave.
Never mind the mystifying requirement for all of this information; what happened to that "one touch" business?
What, one wonders, are the mystifying properties of the naked foot.