Act 1974 and gain the business benefits arising from effective, sensible health and safety management.
But it takes resolute, technologically aware safety management and regulation to maintain them.
You can walk around the workplace and check for hazards - a sign that safety management needs to be improved.
The department said it would use the time to take an inventory of plutonium and to resolve safety, management and environmental problems.
This book describes the principles and management practices, which provide the basis of effective health and safety management.
Having a board member with specific responsibility for health and safety shows employees that you consider proper health and safety management is important.
We have to adapt our approaches to deal with these new challenges, based on the key principles of effective health and safety management.
Boards should set the direction for effective health and safety management.
For the purposes of defining safety management, safety can be defined as:
There are a number of industry sectors worldwide which have recognised the benefits of effective safety management.