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Already now, in its nascence, it affected the course of the universe.
Social development caused the nascence of a new middle class - the bourgeoisie.
This is an area still in its nascence.
In that sense medievalism was not a Renascence, but rather a Nascence.
The nascence of a musical cult, perhaps?
Hence reliability of service is also important factor given the customer profile and nascence nature of technology.
The film's nascence began after Jia had lived in Beijing for several years in 2000.
State name and nascence affiliation."
Francesca Lacorossi - female vocals on "Nascence"
Nascence (2011)
Awakened Witnesses of Nascence (2010)
The message that some holds are barred needs to reach employees beforehand, with as much vigor and boosterism as "steal shamelessly" had in its nascence.
In its nascence, the BioHome focused on alternative, non-chemical sewage treatment methods utilizing non-edible plants of aquatic disposition.
Chen discussed looking for a central musical idea that would span the entire game, which ultimately took the form of the score's first track, "Nascence," recorded in April 2009.
Educologists argue that the concept of educology implies the inclusion of the entire fund of recorded propositional knowledge about the entire process, from nascence to senescence.
Slow Food's nascence in 1986, in the lovely town of Bra, which lies between Turin and Alba in Piedmont, was originally confined to wine.
Neither are they related in any way to mysterious limits in which quantities are on the verge of nascence or evanescence, that is, coming into or going out of existence.
In April 2010 the band signed the contract with the label "Grailight Production" [1] for the releasing of "Awakened Witnesses of Nascence" album.
One of the basic underpinnings of the nascence of a post revolutionary Mexican art was that it should be public, available to the citizenry and above all not the province of a few wealthy collectors.
The title of the album comes from a section of New Orleans, legendary for its bordellos and nightclubs, that was influential in the nascence of jazz and that was later closed down in 1917.
The nascence of de-Stalinization-the government's remission of Stalin's policies-is evident by censors replacing his name in "For the Power of the Soviets," with words like "the party," or "the Supreme Commander."
He began to hum to his sword, and when she did not object he sang to it: the folk songs he had picked up from happy warriors like Sav the Staff, in the glad days of the empire's nascence.
Following the development of modern trampolines in the USA by George Nissen, Ted Blake was a major contributor to their nascence in the United Kingdom and in developing International Competition for trampolining.
Like Sura Vinh long ago, Qiwi and Ezr might not fare much themselves, but this end of Qeng Ho space was due for an explosion of light, a nascence that would dwarf Canberra and Namqem.
The second album, which is a concept one, bears working title Awakened Witnesses of Nascence and was partly inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey and is dedicated to philosophical aspects of "the second birth" and Afterlife.
His nascency was a deed of theft and everywhere he drags his club he steals.
He was an early pioneer in the academic sub-discipline of intelligence studies which was in its nascency when he began teaching in 1992.
In the mid-1950s, during the nascency of television in Spokane, Struble was an executive with KXLY.
Other theories of the very early Universe, which are claimed to make very similar predictions, have been proposed, such as the brane gas cosmology, cyclic model, pre-big bang model and holographic universe, but they remain in their nascency and are not as widely accepted.