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Their nattiness may help to mitigate any feelings of slothful lassitude induced by movie marathons.
The overall nattiness of the young man stood in obvious contrast to that absence of vanity which is commonly associated with a happily married man.
He wore bow ties at 3, displaying a nattiness that prompted his campmates to dub him Mr. GQ.
"Short Stories" alludes to the elliptical narratives and image overload in fashion magazines with a design that alternates between hurly-burly and sheer nattiness.
He favors an old-style nattiness, wearing pin-stripe suits, a carefully trimmed mustache and well-shaped hats that give him the air of a 1930's matinee idol.
Stewart's originality lies in how he fuses two very different American humor traditions: self-deprecating Jewish wit and Ivy League nattiness.
Dr. Danney was a thin man in his middle seventies, and clearly aspired to nattiness, although his antiquated necktie pushed the whole look into eccentricity.
But when Armin Meiwes stepped into a courtroom in this central German city the other day, legal binders tucked under his arm, there was no denying his nattiness.
Ms. Prada's collection is all British nattiness, with the tailoring coming from high-tech stretch fabrics and the richness from waves of bottle green, camels and grays.
For the fashion deficient among us - those who wear clashing plaids and hideous color combinations - the blackening of the American wardrobe will be the key to instant nattiness.
"I decided after 20 years of resentment to put it all aside," he said as fellow mourners took note of the signature nattiness and pugnacious smile of the fallen politician.
He was wearing riding clothes, but they were so well tailored and fit so perfectly that Mick immediately felt conscious of the cheapness of his own clothes, on whose nattiness he prided himself.
The rest have spent much of the 20th century emigrating abroad and sending money home to relatives in the region, an infusion that undoubtedly contributes to the sparkling nattiness of the villas and cottages sprinkled throughout the twisting valleys.
Of all the critiques one might make of the performance Mr. Gore and his opponent, Gov. George W. Bush, gave on Tuesday in the first presidential debate - overuse of the terms "lockbox" and "fuzzy math," for example - nattiness isn't one of them.