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Naturalising B. bulbosa in wild areas and in grassland is popular and may help to keep moisture around the rootstock.
But the most vigorous naturalising in my garden has by been short white A. triquetrum and the closely related tall green-and-purple striped Nectaroscordum siculum/bulgaricum - in fact, you need to keep a close watch on their surreptitious military manoeuvres.
Consequently, when they bloom there will be empty spaces among them, which is fine for the landscape scheme and for eventual naturalizing.
In Naturalizing Power: Essays in Feminist Cultural Analysis, ed.
Goodenough in Naturalizing Morality defines her concept of mindfulness and morality for Religious Naturalism.
Thus Spiritual Naturalism (Naturalistic Spirituality) along with its related naturalisms, can be seen as a rebellion against traditional religious thinking and a naturalizing of the concepts of God.
On the next day, Darwin was in "transports of pleasure" walking by himself in the tropical forest, and in "long naturalizing walks" with others continued to "add raptures to the former raptures".