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The face of 36 years ago is not quite as naturalistically old.
The faces are sometimes modelled very naturalistically, and no two urns show the same face.
Since 1976 the dolphin has been depicted naturalistically rather than heraldically.
One, a museum treasure, is a naturalistically modeled terra-cotta head that may date to the 11th century.
The background space is not treated naturalistically but establishes divisions between the different, symbolic groups of figures.
The planting areas are naturalistically organized around, between and on top of rocks of various sizes.
Her body is naturalistically rendered as a recumbent lioness.
"Man" is not to be interpreted naturalistically, but as a being created in God's image, an originator of free, creative acts.
From 12th-century Korea comes a crouching celadon figure, naturalistically rendered despite being less than an inch high.
This production used Shakespeare's language, but encouraged the actors - many of whom were locals, not professionals - to speak it naturalistically.
Plays that begin naturalistically turn into explorative journeys.
The Paradiesgärtlein is one of the earliest paintings to naturalistically depict plants; they are all clearly recognisable.
The woman is dressed in Hellenistic clothing with soft folds of drapery carved naturalistically.
Within the same piece you find parts that are severely geometric, gracefully sensuous and naturalistically gnarly.
Short, simple songs, delivered naturalistically over simple accompaniments, are woven into the story rather than stopping the action.
"Then it became clear that I could do it just like a small indie art-house movie, very naturalistically.
The film was naturalistically animated, and made use of dramatic camera angles that would have been impossible in a live-action film.
But the tale is told naturalistically and, especially in its treatment of Thomasina, the adolescent prodigy at its center, with obvious feeling.
Joe Orton's plays are full of noxious doings that would be repellent if presented naturalistically.
These are Roman mosaics, figures in dramatic movement against landscapes of rocks and plants and animals naturalistically rendered.
Their digitally altered images make the naturalistically lighted, undergroomed portraits of the previous decade seem dated indeed.
After being naturalistically painted, the mushrooms are displayed laboratory-like in three nearly identical trays filled with rich-looking soil.
If the reflective clarity about knowledge that we desire can be obtained, it can be obtained naturalistically.
Gifford preferred to record things honestly and naturalistically, as he found them, much as the great Picture Post photojournalists had done.