"nawrót" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | Mirar "nawrót" in Polish


  1. return , *****   [SINGULAR]
    He performed a quick return and drove back home.
    I thought I was healthy but there was a return of the disease.
  2. resurgence
    • odrodzenie się, nawrót [UNCOUNTABLE]
      The most important cause of the global depression at that time was a resurgence of protectionism.
      Then there is a resurgence of a certain kind of totalitarianism even in Europe, and I would like to take a moment to look at this.
  3. recurrence , also: reoccurrence
    • nawrót (choroby), wznowa, powrót (dolegliwości), ponowne wystąpienie (czegoś) formal
      Once you've had cancer, recurrence is your biggest fear.
      While we have solved the financial crisis, there is always a possibility of its recurrence.
      A recurrence of swine flu has been noted in this country.
  4. setback *
    • nawrót (choroby), pogorszenie (stanu zdrowia) [COUNTABLE]
      After this surgery, the probability of a setback is very low.
  5. relapse
  6. flare-up
    • nawrót (np. choroby)
  7. reversion
  8. regress