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They have put themselves in position to be very good for the near-term future.
However, they do not expect it to fall below 7 percent in the near-term.
We thus do not see this as a near-term solution.
The effect was to show less debt in the near-term.
But he thought that silver had seen its near-term high.
But did anyone still think that these were a near-term possibility?
The most important near-term issue for the people of Pakistan is security.
There's the near-term challenge of how the bill got passed tonight.
They drive near-term results so you can gather more support.
Not over the near-term but rather the medium or long term.
Simply setting aside the program for the near-term is not enough.
The most important data near-term are going to be energy futures.
In the very near-term, share price performance may be more modest.
This trend is expected to continue at least over the near-term.
Money will be at around 6 percent for some time, as government spending is also likely to pick up in the near-term,' he added.
Monday will be a key day in near-term direction of the market.
For the near-term, the tie will not have much impact on state business.
Let me tell you about some of our near-term priorities as a department.
Our copper business in the near-term will be growing by over 70 percent.
The big question for the near-term is whether the race issue will turn off primary voters.
As a result, this development is not expected to have a near-term impact on the Bank's operations.
I laid out for them what the near-term future would look like: we had work, but not much.
That should provide a good near-term boost to financial performance.
That will free up a little space in near-term budgets.
That said, near-term growth is likely weak and a risk.