Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
"But Jordan isn't the right negotiating partner on those," he said.
The third, a democracy as negotiating partner, remains of course a fantasy.
Israel again will be left without a dependable negotiating partner.
That alone should be enough to discredit him as a negotiating partner.
On the Russian side, legislators are seeking to find a negotiating partner.
I hope that our Russian negotiating partners will take this up accordingly.
This posture on the part of a negotiating partner is simply unacceptable to any government.
"You're a good negotiating partner," he stated with a searching look.
It does not appear that our negotiating partners are ready to satisfy such a request.
"Our negotiating partners will find that we are ready to compromise if they show the required flexibility," he said.
What's the first thing you do when you enter a room with a negotiating partner?
Your commitment gives a clear, positive signal to our candidate country negotiating partners.
What do you know, suddenly he was clean and pure, worthy of becoming an American negotiating partner.
The United States is not an easy negotiating partner, as we have learned from these discussions.
We should not make the mistake of alarming our negotiating partners with such massive demands.
For this to happen, of course, Israel must have a negotiating partner on the Palestinian side.
Thus the main negotiating partners have staked opening positions that are very much in the same ball park.
Since he is their negotiating partner, though, they are also trying to keep from giving an impression that he has done nothing.
There's more at stake in global summits than when nations hand pick negotiating partners.
Neighboring countries would participate in the meeting, but apparently not as full-fledged negotiating partners.
"No negotiating partner will give its bottom line knowing the bargaining can be reopened," she added.
However it turns out, one thing is not debatable: Israel has some highly unusual negotiating partners.
We try to raise the issue of human rights wherever we have the opportunity and with all our negotiating partners.
He further explains that such points are highly useful in negotiations, because we cannot completely trust our negotiating partners' words.
The Clinton Administration makes no excuses for inviting its new negotiating partners to talk.