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They also spent a lot of time in their room, like newlyweds.
After years of marriage, the two continued to act like newlyweds.
The minister then turned to the third couple, who were newlyweds.
"You all get together and build a house for the newlyweds."
It had been only a few days, but they were still newlyweds, after all.
They also provided enough food to last the newlyweds a whole month.
They had a new Hall built on the present site as newlyweds.
And even if she was pregnant, they were still newlyweds, right?
The vast majority of newlyweds also have their own place.
How many newlyweds do you know who can afford to build a house?
At the last moment, the newlyweds changed their minds and decided to stay home.
After living in the same household for a few years, the newlyweds moved next door.
"The newlyweds had to've caught a train that very night, because they were home before dark the next day."
There is a long flat table at which newlyweds are sitting and a white wall behind them.
"She had spent 25 years of her life teaching newlyweds how to set a place setting and about fine china," he said.
Everyone crowded around to watch as the newlyweds came into the hall.
Like all newlyweds, they revealed pieces of themselves to each other daily.
And it will be champagne all the way for the newlyweds.
Every town or city has its standard sights for newlyweds.
Following the marriage, the newlyweds went to live in Berlin.
The newlyweds moved in with his parents to save expenses.
Because it is the first meal the newlyweds eat as husband and wife.
It is revealed that the man who stopped the newlyweds lives in the house with his wife.
The newlyweds move in with Isabel's mother's family, but their marriage does not last.
Well, they say newlyweds want everyone else to get married. "