Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
"Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly" is still not a perfected product.
Once The Times Newsweekly had reported the discovery of a corpse a few feet away from a hand grenade.
Herzenberg received the first Citizen's Award from the Independent Newsweekly in 1984.
In 1990, he moved back to Pittsburgh to become art director of In Pittsburgh Newsweekly.
The violation prompted a lively local newspaper, The Times Newsweekly, to investigate the second hill as if it were Watergate.
Religion and Ethics Newsweekly (1997-present)
In 2001 Lubin was featured on the PBS television program Religion & Ethics Newsweekly.
The Forum Newsweekly is a weekly newspaper published every-other Wednesday in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Golden's career got another boost after Nuvo Newsweekly chose his improvisational encore performance as the highlight of the 2004 Midwest Music Summit.
A month ago, "Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly" began running on more than 20 Public Broadcast System stations, and more are soon coming on board.
PBS Religion and Ethics Newsweekly named Jakes among America's "Top 10 Religious Leaders."
The above quotations are all five months old, gathered with the producer Lou Charlip for a PBS show, "Religion & Ethics Newsweekly."
In 2004, he became a columnist for the Louisville-based alternative weekly Snitch Newsweekly, writing on cases he has handled, and debating with other contributors on civil liberties.
Bob Abernethy, Executive Editor and Host, Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly (biography) - PBS.
Nuvo Newsweekly, Indianapolis Women's Magazine, and Indianapolis Monthly are local publications concentrating on arts, entertainment, nightlife and lifestyles.
Partington has been mentioned in notable cultural blogs and featured on National Public Radio's The Art of the Matter and in Nuvo Newsweekly.
The Louisville Eccentric Observer (LEO), a popular alternative newspaper, was founded in 1990, and the Snitch Newsweekly was established in the 1990s.
Adrienne acknowled Bush as an influence in Indianapolis's Nuvo Newsweekly, and cited other influences as P. J. Harvey, Pat Benatar, and Heart.
The news that the bust turned up in Queens, which was first reported June 8 in The Times Newsweekly, a Queens community newspaper, had Italian-Americans in Cleveland excited.
His articles have appeared in sources like Wired, The Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis Monthly, INTake Weekly, Street Miami magazine, Savant online,'s The Pulse, Nuvo Newsweekly magazine, and more.
He was named one of the "Ten People to Watch in America's Spiritual Landscape" by Religion & Ethics Newsweekly and named Distinguished Evangelist of the United Methodist Church by the Foundation for Evangelism.
Al-Hibri is a member of the advisory board of various organizations, including the PEW Forum on Religion in Public Life, the Pluralism Project Harvard University, and Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly (PBS).
"Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly" would never have gotten off the ground without $5 million in support from the Lilly Endowment, which Craig Dykstra, an endowment vice president, said was "one of the largest amounts our religion program has ever made to a single project."
Cullen hosted a radio talk show on WTAE Radio from 1987 to 1997 and was twice named "Best Talk Show Host" in Pittsburgh by the readers of both Pittsburgh Magazine and In Pittsburgh Newsweekly.
He sought faster color production, redesigned the layout, dreamed up new features like the wildly successful annual swimsuit issue and enabled the promotion department to sell his product to potential advertisers as "The Third Newsweekly" (after Time and Newsweek) instead of as a niche magazine.