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Next time around, all of us will have to do our part.
And the next time he is told to hit for someone?
I just hope we can all do better next time.
See you next time around, which I hope comes soon.
Just make sure you try to do better next time.
So next time we have to stay at her house again?
The next time you come can I cut your head off?
Every month when I came on we would say, never mind, next time.
You could say you'd do a better job next time.
The only question is, who will he put up next time?
The next time I went to see her, she was gone.
"The next time something goes just according to plan will be the first."
One day without water at first, then three the next time.
I want to come to work with you next time.
What can be done to make things better next time?
Just think about how to do things better the next time.
Maybe we'll stop in for a couple of those next time.
I just tell myself I'll get him the next time.
In fact, what are we going to talk about next time?
You might be on the other end, the next time.
And stay out of his way next time, if you could.
Next time you come up against them, just turn around and run away.
The next time possible would be at four the following morning.
The next time I saw my father, he was alone.
Do you think we could talk in private next time?