Take those into account and it was clear that some stars would become infinitesimally small.
Only I had no crumb, not even infinitesimally small, to offer my father on the history of the space ring.
The number of policies is "infinitesimally small when we consider the potential market," the panel said.
In my heart I knew the chance was infinitesimally small, and the first whiff of anesthesia might end it all.
While the data set is infinitesimally small compared to the enormous size of the universe, it has so far worked well within the defined framework.
The whole "theory" of evolution is predicated on infinitesimally small changes that build up over a long period.
One can imagine that the spontaneous change is carried out in a sequence of infinitesimally small steps.
The chance that any past behavior was the cause is infinitesimally small.
By saying these changes are infinitesimally small, the equation can be written in differential form.
Infinitesimally small, they became a level of matter up until now unknown.
The world of the infinitely small is always in the future.
"The chance of other men visiting this world is infinitely small."
His odds were infinitely smaller than he dreamed, and getting worse every second.
How strange to think on such scales, when all my training is to contemplate the infinitely small.
Close to it, infinitely small, there was a speck of light which seemed somehow like a star.
What large point am I making in this measurement of the infinitely small or incomprehensibly huge?
And Edward's shenanigans certainly can make it seem infinitely smaller.
All of these things can happen after years of marriage as well, but the chances are infinitely smaller.
An infinitely small moment later, two more streams of energy burst into the circuitry.
The fact is, the number of people willing to blow themselves up to kill you is infinitely small.