"nieuzasadniony" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | see "nieuzasadniony" in Polish


  1. irrational *
  2. unfounded
    • nieuzasadniony (o zarzutach), bezpodstawny (o podejrzeniach, obawach)
      I hope that my fears will prove to be unfounded.
      The charges were unfounded.
  3. illegitimate
    • niezasadny, bezpodstawny, nieuzasadniony
      You don't have to worry, his claims are illegitimate.
      Your conclusions are illegitimate, correct them.
  4. misplaced
  5. unjustified
  6. indefensible
  7. unprovoked
  8. groundless
  9. unjustifiable
  10. foundationless
    • nieuzasadniony (o zarzutach), bezpodstawny (o podejrzeniach, obawach)
  11. unexemplified
  12. ill-grounded  
  13. unrightful
  14. unreasoned  
  15. ungrounded
  1. argue ****
  2. excuse ***
  3. justify **  
    These are important reasons which justify supporting this project.
    Can you justify your choice?
  4. validate *
  5. legitimize , legitimise BrE
  6. substantiate
  1. state reason
  2. give legitimacy  
  3. give reasons , state reasons