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Are they so precious that I, like a disgusting niggard, should spare them?
Niggard of question, but of our demands Most free in his reply.
"Your chief is either a niggard, or you are a fool, to come empty-handed into the mountains.
Be not a niggard of your speech.
Why is Time such a niggard of hair, being, as it is, so plentiful an excrement?
Be no niggard with your love.
Am I then a niggard?
The settlement was not a town, it was homes scattered across many wild miles: for brief bleak summers made this land a niggard.
Then, beauteous niggard, why dost thou abuse The bounteous largess given thee to give?
- Warwick feasting his retainers with beef and ale, was a niggard to the noble Mehevi!
"Little niggard!"
"No niggard are you, Éomer," said Aragorn, "to give thus to Gondor the fairest thing in your realm!"
Its sun was a small ruddy niggard that clutched its dribble of heat to itself, while snow beat thinly down for nine months of the year.
"Ser Eustace sets a niggard's price upon my honor, though three silvers are better than three chickens, I grant you.
When all was done a man came to stand in front of the seat: Kol the Niggard, men would call him, son of Kar the Old.
O Rico Avarento (The Niggard Rich) (1964)
These inconsistencies that Pequigney mentions are things like "unthrifty beauty" is later then "beauteous niggard" and how this "'profitless user' who invests large 'sums' yet cannot 'live'".
() Make not thy hand tied (like a niggard's) to thy neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach, so that thou become blameworthy and destitute.
ROS:(A flat lie and he knows it and shows it, perhaps catching GUIL's eye) Niggard of question, but of our demands most free in his reply.
"I hope, Gaius Marius, that you won't deem me a niggard with my wine if I respectfully ask you to take it as I intend to myself, well watered?
Shakespeare uses business terminology ("niggard", "usurer", "sums", "executor", "audit", "profitless") to aid in portraying the young man's beauty as a commodity, which nature only "lends" for a certain amount of time.
The Niggard Rich ("O Rico Avarento", in the original title) is a play written by Ariano Suassuna, published in 1954 and based in Molière's literary composition.
Once we had come to being, our species, on a planet of seas vanished, rivers shrunk to trickles in desert, a world niggard of air, water, metal, life-uncountable ages lingered we in savagehood.
The Horn of Brân Galed ("the Stingy" or "the Niggard") from the North is said to have possessed the magical property of ensuring that "whatever drink might be wished for was found in it".