Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
However, White has no waiting move, and the set play cannot be realized.
But there was no waiting for them to catch up.
There was to be no waiting for the signal now.
But here, there was no waiting - I had to keep the brain working all the time.
The village has been open less than a year, and there is no waiting list yet.
No waiting for a gate once you are on the runway.
We drop instantly, no waiting around for people to start asking questions.
And even better, there's no waiting around, wishing it would improve.
There is no waiting for a nurse to answer pleas.
The plan was to come straight in, no waiting.
Get to your hotel efficiently and effectively - no waiting for.
But a secondary site on the other side of the gift shop is often open with no waiting.
And, a big plus, when it's time to leave, there's no waiting for the check.
Jurors line up in the hallways, because there is no waiting room.
With Beckett (who died in 1989), there was no waiting period.
A sign in the window said: "No waiting for friends allowed.
No waiting until the very last second to stomp on the brakes.
There's no need to set up an account and no waiting for information.
Furthermore, in most of the state, outside the Washington metropolitan area, no waiting period was required to buy a gun.
The private clinics are more expensive to attend but usually have either a short or no waiting list.
There's no waiting list for this month's trophy fashion item.
Really, it's a lot less far than the chemist, and there's no waiting about at the till.
No waiting list, hearing dogs for the deaf Dead link.
Coffee will be consumed at your work station - no waiting around for the water to boil.
Opponents of government health coverage claim that we have no waiting lists in our current system.