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And in each boil you can be pretty sure of finding an nco, a man who is something without being much.
The duty nco naturally did not pay any attention to that, but looked round.
An nco told us that hell had broken loose up at the front.
"You get that from a certain NCO we all know and love?"
The NCO even had their own men inside the city council.
It was a long time before the NCO lived this down.
In prison, people were forced to become members of the NCO.
At the same moment the NCO was shot through the lungs.
He took out the gun and pointed it at the NCO.
A second one was starting off, with an NCO running beside it.
Because, basically, he was an NCO that just got caught up in the game.
Which was just fine by an NCO missing two fingers from his left hand.
The officer and NCO training always lasts a total of 10 months.
He began to drink heavily, and one day hit an NCO.
NCO has many subsidiaries providing various services across multiple markets.
The NCO was able to break the circle of traditional power held by the families.
Went up to the NCO room for some company and maybe some information.
"Well, we could think about a trade in kind," the senior NCO told him with a smile.
Which was what the NCO had intended, he was sure.
He turned and looked at the NCO with newfound respect in his eyes.
He seemed, however, to be a very sturdy and capable NCO.
The NCO appeared to have the patience of a saint.
Behind them came a man in a green raincoat, for all the world like an NCO.
And that, the NCO intelligence-specialist thought, was a pretty good question.
The NCO was on the radio a moment later.