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Thus leaks of non-condensable air into the closed loop must be prevented.
Have the capability of discharging air and other non-condensable gases.
P is the total pressure (vapor pressure + non-condensable gas)
Condensed shale oil is collected, while non-condensable gas is recycled and used to carry heat up the retort.
Although it is called a 'dead-end' frame, it does contain a small channel to remove the non-condensable gases and to apply the vacuum.
It has the advantage that it is simple to use and that its calibration is nearly the same for all non-condensable gases.
The low pressure in the evaporator is maintained by a vacuum pump that also removes the dissolved non-condensable gases from the evaporator.
A deaerator is a special case of the open feedwater heater which is specifically designed to remove non-condensable gases from the feedwater.
The Poynting effect generally refers to the change in the vapor pressure of a liquid when a non-condensable gas is mixed with the vapor at saturated conditions.
If one assumes that the vapor and the non-condensable gas behave as ideal gases and an ideal mixture, it can be shown that:
The term relative saturation is used to describe the analogous property for systems consisting of a condensable phase other than water in a non-condensable phase other than air.
Since the steam is injected above the feed water level a steam blanket forms above the water to keep the non-condensable gasses from re-entering the feed water.
The carbonization conversion occurs through pyrolysis or destructive distillation, and it produces condensable coal tar, oil and water vapor, non-condensable synthetic gas, and a solid residue-char.
Shale oil vapors and evolving gases are delivered to a condensing system, where condensed shale oil is collected, while non-condensable gases are fed back to the retort.
The condensible gases, however, may be rapidly cooled to form condensate droplets, which can then be separated from the non-condensable gases due to the substantial difference in density of each fraction.
There is a connection to the gland exhaust system on the upper portion of the DFT that withdraws the oxygen and other non-condensable gasses as they are driven from the condensate.
In this process, oil shale is heated in the absence of oxygen until its kerogen decomposes into condensable shale oil vapors and non-condensable combustible oil shale gas.
The trade-off between pre-dearation of the seawater and expulsion of non-condensable gases from the condenser is dependent on the gas evolution dynamics, deaerator efficiency, head loss, vent compressor efficiency and parasitic power.
This practice does not contaminate or release carbon dioxide (CO) emissions (vapor pressure methods will release dissolved air containing CO at low pressures-these non-condensable gases can be re-dissolved of course, but with an energy penalty).