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He believed that the success of his work depended upon personal anonymity and public non-disclosure.
Non-disclosure of factory locations makes it very difficult for independent organisations to verify worker's conditions.
For example, non-disclosure of confidential business information should not compromise the health and safety of users.
It is so funny how we all conform when it comes to the non-disclosure of salaries.
Another concern relates to the non-disclosure of pension liabilities as a segment liability.
Non-disclosure may also risk diluting faith in government.
We still maintain a wide definition, but we will reduce the discretionary non-disclosure of documents.
A performance piece developed as a ready-to-wear accessory which allows preemptive non-disclosure of the users identity.
This relates to both the non-disclosure of data with security implications and observance of the necessary procedural guarantees.
This also forced the Turnpike Authority to release information regarding its non-disclosure of prior leaks.
The trial was held behind closed doors, in camera courts, and the non-disclosure of identity of witnesses was maintained.
These barriers included non-sharing of intelligence with the battalion and non-disclosure of impending raids by special operations units in the area.
People v. Cabalquinto (2006) - on non-disclosure of identities of rape or sexual abuse victims named in Supreme Court decisions.
Garnet was a party to the conspiracy, the question of his cognizance and, if cognizant, of his non-disclosure of it was essential.
The judge ruled: "I consider that non-disclosure of the identity of the Claimant is therefore necessary to protect the interests of that Claimant.
In 2007, the Liberals placed the Rann government under pressure over the non-disclosure of donations and gifts given to McEwen of which he was not required to disclose.
The headline conclusion was that a local Nottingham CPS prosecutor, Ian Cunningham, was primarily to blame for the non-disclosure of evidence in the Ratcliffe case.
Another problematic case is the cases of desired non-disclosure of PGD results for some genetic disorders that may not yet be apparent in a parent, such as Huntington disease.
Equity inter-dealer brokers provide a service for market makers to deal with each other, largely to keep large transactions between market makers hidden from the market by non-disclosure of the participants names.
In this connection and by way of example, I should like to refer to the decisions handed down by the Court of Justice at Luxembourg concerning the non-disclosure of legal opinions.
Non-disclosure of evidence, through malice or through abuse of State Secrets Privilege (in the USA/) or Public-interest immunity (in the UK)
Your Water Your Say (YWYS) opposed the proposal, taking legal action against the Victorian State Government regarding non-disclosure of financial information and lack of environmental studies and reports.
The last of these, The Law of Actionable Non-Disclosure (which Turner co-authored with Professor R J Sutton) was published in 1990 when Turner was 88.
They cited "wholesale breaches" of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act by police, non-disclosure of evidence which could have helped the defense, and the possibility a key prosecution witness had fabricated his testimony.
But obiter, negligent misrepresentation and non-disclosure were excluded effectively (even though Canada would say it is not, given liability for innocent misrepresentation and non-disclosure was also a possibility).