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It was still used by non-native speakers as a second language in the 1950s.
One must be a non-native speaker of Japanese to take this test.
It is developed and made easy for non-native speakers to understand easily.
Reading can be more difficult than listening for both native and non-native speakers.
The majority of conversations in English today are between non-native speakers.
A general term for programs that teach French to non-native speakers.
But in today's society, it can often have negative impacts on the non-native speaker.
Citizenship classes and even computer training for non-native speakers are also offered.
This is very challenging for non-native speakers, let along young learners.
Non-native speakers of Japanese only, are eligible to apply for the test.
For comparison, in 2005, 117,660 non-native speakers took the test, an increase of 26.52% from 2004.
To non-native speakers, it can be difficult to distinguish the two languages from one another.
If you don't then things literally get lost in translation (by us non-native speakers).
Non-native speakers are often unnecessarily cautious in their use of English.
Among non-native speakers, for example, the percentage receiving a score of 5 was 18.2%.
Non-native speakers may not even be aware that they are speaking incorrectly.
In the education system, the State language is taught as a second language to non-native speakers.
The examination is open to anyone with the relevant experience - both native and non-native speakers of English.
Consequently, much of what he wrote is reputedly hard to read for a non-native speaker.
15,041 students identified themselves as non-native speakers who did not use French on a regular basis.
Quite often a non-native speaker can be revealed by errors in pronunciation.
Much of the English communication that takes place within business circles all over the world occurs between non-native speakers.
A non-native speaker has to learn the variations of pitch by prolonged listening.
Education officials still expect the revised scores, to be made public on July 15, will show some improvement by non-native speakers.
And with most working groups held in English, non-native speakers often struggle to grasp the highly technical issues.