Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
They considered sports to be nonserious, of the second order.
"It appeared to be a nonserious response to a serious problem."
"I don't deal with nonserious men in my personal or professional life," she said.
Do investors find such a nonserious name at all off-putting?
"Nonserious shoppers are looking for the steal of century," he said.
Common, but nonserious side effects include: discomfort, headache, and fatigue which will go away after 24 to 48 hours.
"It established a precedent for talking about serious or academic issues in an informal, nonserious atmosphere."
Golf antiques fall into two categories: serious (expensive) and nonserious (under $500).
And on a nonserious level, it's got to have at least a half dozen really terrific anecdotes to attract people's attention."
Next week: another city, another tournament, another serious exercise in nonserious matters.
"We still were getting nothing but nonserious offers," Mr. Summers said.
However, underneath that obvious retort, there may be another: to make women appear to be children or, at best, nonserious adults.
I realize authors of nonserious novels achieve what they set out to achieve, and often with unsurpassed professionalism.
The projected overall 30,000 marks were much too little, so some months later Jerusalem's Association withdrew from co-financing the project, it regarded to be nonserious.
"Fatal injuries become nonfatal, serious injuries become nonserious."
"I identify this kind of writing with a nonserious, Oxbridge kind of high-table banter," he said.
Humphries relished life with a full-blooded joy in creaturely pleasures and the (both serious and nonserious) use of words.
Four clubs was a "nonserious" slam try, in a situation in which three no-trump would have indicated definite interest in a slam.
A. My nonserious answer is that I would have become a professional table tennis player, as I'm fanatical about the sport, playing five or six nights a week.
Overcrowded prisons meant that the nonserious offenders had to be released early, and Minke was regarded as nonserious by everyone except Walter.
On April 25 and April 26, the official Opera site described the nonserious Atlantic swim "attempt" and its quick and comical "failure".
The increases in police response times have been most acute in Queens and the northern section of Brooklyn, and are related to all kinds of calls, from "nonserious" to critical.
With Hurley and Laettner gone, even Hill noticed that Duke had been relegated to nonserious consideration when it came to talk of reaching the Final Four this year.
Moreover since a drug would be used by millions of people for a nonserious disease, a cold remedy would have to be extremely safe for its benefits to outweigh its risks.
Eventually, Richard did commit a crime, but he violated probation with impunity and was quickly released even after he committed additional "nonserious" felonies, like punching a woman to steal a six-pack of beer.