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The temperature that a particular ice nucleator initiates freezing varies from molecule to molecule.
Snow Lances are up to 12 meters long vertically inclined aluminum tubes at the head of which placed water and-or air nucleator.
Since the 1970s, P. syringae has been implicated as an atmospheric "biological ice nucleator", with airborne bacteria serving as cloud condensation nuclei.
Vps20 initiates assembly of ESCRT-III by acting as a nucleator of Snf7 polymer assembly.
Cauxin protein from feline urine was reported in 2008 to act as a nucleator for struvite crystals, in an in vivo system containing magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate ions.
An article published in the journal Scientific American in 2008 showed Pseudomonas may be the most common nucleator of ice crystals in clouds, thereby being of utmost importance to the formation of snow and rain around the world.