Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He already knew how lit use a computer and he's numerate.
You will know how to work within a budget, be numerate and have good computing skills.
Managers use numbers to make decisions and therefore need to be numerate.
As a former tax attorney, I assume she's numerate.
Al Lynch loved numbers, numerate people and machines with the potential for intelligence.
Most of the firsts are being awarded in numerate disciplines.
This could be a potential explanation of the challenge of being numerate.
Can better information in the classroom produce the literate, numerate society the Web once promised?
Although most people are numerate, I think that they respond quicker to this visual display.
He was numerate to a sophisticated degree, coping with complex logic problems easily.
If available, the bearing might not be numerate.
Economics, even on the rare occasions where it claims to be numerate, is more about faith than evidence.
Most journalists even sneer at anyone who is numerate.
Not exciting perhaps, but necessary, as it is ridiculous to imagine that someone can even begin to study physics or chemistry without being numerate.
Use the money to reduce class sizes in primary schools so those entering secondary are numerate and literate.
With all this statistical data, it follows that planners must be numerate, able to read statistics, and comprehend the analysis of them.
Not all historians are numerate; still fewer are mathematicians of any sophistication.
To apply, you need to hold a numerate degree, at least at 2.1, which has included training in statistical theory and methods.
This was facilitated by the development of a remarkable notation for numbers, the Maya being among the most numerate civilizations there have ever been.
On the other hand ratios and fractions may be more acceptable to the numerate user since they are immediately accessible in any language.
Minimum entry requirements are a 2:1 in a numerate degree, or 2:2 with significant experience.
They must also be numerate, imaginative, and creditable when it comes to translating and presenting research.
A late entry for Worcestershire is Numerate, the only lady jockey is on board.
Let's be a bit numerate shalll we ?
Slaves were numerate and literate in significant numbers, and some were highly educated.