Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The more numerical evidence we can have before us, the better.
His challenge to the church is almost certainly not numerical.
Of course, these numerical differences are important, both inside and outside the country.
But he had never kept track of its numerical total.
If you would like a more numerical result, consider this.
The numerical writing, I think, anyone could easily make out.
Part of the interest in the state is purely numerical.
But one could not easily see that there was a numerical relationship between the groups themselves.
However, due to numerical issues this might become a problem in practice.
In cases before November 1995 a numerical value, out of 24, is not used.
Each figure has a number of characteristics with a numerical value.
At the moment, the numerical evidence seems to point in this direction.
A team with a numerical advantage in players will go on a power play.
A full list in numerical order and map is available below.
Thus, they do not have a numerical value assigned to them.
You can only pick up the keys in numerical order.
While the numerical scores from the questions "How do you rate the movie?"
A numerical question is asked to one player from each team, who writes down an answer.
More than 90 million people are being added to the population each year, the highest numerical growth in human history.
It is a question of a qualitative, and not a numerical, value.
So what is the numerical value of protecting the environment?
This is not the case, as can be seen from Table 1, even in terms of simple numerical trend.
Zero is not considered a number, as it has no numerical value.
There's a lot more to it than that numerical gap.
This indicated a huge number rather than a numerical value.