Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
If she's had nursing experience, though, it would be in the kind of hospital I hope to avoid.
Have all the medics on hand and anyone else we've got with any nursing experience.
Even those with nursing experience may need help since babies differ in their ability to nurse.
Her nursing experience, she said, has been an asset in her legal career.
Even informed readers may be surprised to learn that Nightingale had scarcely any nursing experience.
'Such an invaluable and very rare nursing experience, nowadays.
But the nursing experience gave Ms. Devlin the confidence to try again with other horses.
Also, anyone with any sort of first-aid training or nursing experience, report up here, as well, as soon as I'm through.
"I am familiar with Miss Latterly's nursing experience, my lord.
This tool allows educators to expose students to an extensive range of real-life patient conditions and nursing experiences.
The nursing experience she received during her early life inspired her to reform many aspects of the nursing practice.
What he was not prepared for by his previous nursing experience was the lengths to which the staff in his ward had taken the system.
Do you have any nursing experience?'
The Sisters had gained nursing experience of the battlefronts of the war with France.
Corcoran's interest in near-death experiences developed from her combat nursing experience during the Vietnam War.
She's had some nursing experience and --" "She stays right there with you!
Accompanying practical nursing experiences in community and hospitals helps to elaborate understanding and develop nursing skills.
Beckwith was fortunate that Ruth Bailey had nursing experience, and the illness did not delay his return voyage.
"It said I was ready to broaden my other-species nursing experience, and working with a light-gravity life-form would improve my delicacy of touch.
It offers accelerated programs for those with medical experience, like Captain Shelton, or entry-level programs for students without nursing experience.
Her contentions are based wholly on conjecture, and her own unsubstantiated and anecdotal evidence derived from her nursing experience.
Her teachers there say that English classes can bridge the gap between her 12 years of nursing experience in Ecuador and the city's 14,000 nursing vacancies.
An online master's degree program for a Master of Science in Nursing is offered that combines online and offline nursing experience.
CRNAs begin their education with a Bachelors of Science degree and at least 1 year of critical care nursing experience.
To become certified, nurses must have an RN license, meet specific eligibility criteria for nursing experience and specialty practice, and must pass a multiple-choice test.