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Like I want to read what these nutty women have written to him?
The last two or three years have been absolutely nutty.
Decades ago, a guy came to me with a nutty business idea.
But that was another nutty thought; it made no sense at all.
"I guess they think I'm just nutty enough to have done something like that."
You could see in her nutty eyes that she thought he was hot stuff.
He thought they had a nice sort of nutty taste.
Nutty did not take in much of what the Sergeant said the first night.
Nutty, having just thought the same thing changed her mind instantly.
Nutty was forced to explain how the situation had come about.
But remember they had that nutty idea of limited nuclear war.
"What did you say in that nutty piece of writing?"
But in the nutty world of baseball, expect that to come real soon.
Nutty put the saddle on him and set off to meet her team.
Yes, a nutty answer, but he was suddenly curious now.
Getting to that nutty end product, though, required some serious business.
"How come you turned out sane when the rest of your family is nutty?"
Nutty knew she wouldn't, not being too sure about taking the money.
Nutty was trying quite hard, the other skills coming with great difficulty.
Every time we've gotten involved in this activity, something nutty happened.
"What else you got for us in that nutty head of yours?"
My God, this is a nutty fish bowl we live in, he thought.
I had a nutty background working my way into acting.
He knows how to do it though,' Nutty pointed out.
Nutty did not seem to care, concerned only for the pony.