In 1998, it was moved to, which is its current address.
After operating there for a few years, he moved to his current address.
A current address or phone number he might be at?
The company moved to a new manufacturing plant at its current address in 1959.
The current address for this portion of the building is 1901 Main.
The blog moved to its current address on February 7, 2005.
"Do you know if Mark has a current address and phone number?"
Bank or building society statement issued to your current address, less than three months old.
A credit card statement sent to your current address within the last three months.
In April 1968, the library moved to its new, and current, address.
Can you tell me the present address of your brother Charles?
Thus in 1929 the entrance was moved onto East 66th Street, giving the building its present address.
No doubt he has read in the newspaper of my present address.
On October 18, 1956, the station was moved to its present address.
The station was relocated to its present address in November 1942.
It has been located at its present address since 1955.
The pharmacy was relocated to its present address in 1924.
It was listed at its present address as early as 1892.
The school, from year 5 onwards, was shifted to its present address.
If you plan to stay at your present address for only a few more months, stop paying the bill and call like crazy.