Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Only the obsessively traditional still put their dead into the ground.
I began to obsessively think of you meeting, coming to dinner.
David, of course, read everything and worried obsessively about what would happen next.
They were clearly someone who was obsessively interested in everything.
He brought with him a piano and played it obsessively.
Almost obsessively so, she decided as her blood began to hum.
White House officials, obsessively watching the course of the war, have tried to present all developments in the best possible light.
From the beginning I read obsessively, and it almost didn't matter what.
"One might go so far as to say obsessively private," Data replied.
Many of them worked obsessively long hours and never built a social network in their new homes.
Few work as obsessively at balancing career, children and marriage.
He works out in the gym obsessively and is the biggest she's ever seen him.
Throughout the entire production, he would listen to it obsessively.
But he returned, somewhat obsessively, to his loss of eight years ago.
He seemed very different from the person his fans speculate about obsessively.
The second sister is obsessively religious and the third has visions.
After all, he had only been playing (obsessively) for a handful of years.
He is known to be a very private, obsessively fastidious man.
In fact, friends say he is obsessively competitive when athletics are involved.
A strange scene keeps playing itself out obsessively in her mind.
I check obsessively and have never been over France's 0.05 percent limit.
Some men and women can become obsessively self-conscious of their bodies.
The Celia who had believed so obsessively in living for ever.
He worked hard and productively, but not obsessively for the rest of his life.
Most of the people who devote themselves obsessively to a single pursuit will be men.