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Captain America - 5 days ago wow, that's awesome, some hedge fund rip off artist will buy it for his kid.
Piracy is a phony issue that record labels are hyping to rip off artists.
The rip off artist known as Jay-Z did a terrible version of Ice-T's classic.
The offending passing off artist appears on the cover of the Australian release of "Toca's Miracle 2008" adding to further confusion.
We need to make sure that these rip off artists are exposed for their crimes, and to whatever degree we can help working families keep their homes, we should."
I suppose this could be construed as evidence that my "joke" was unoriginal in addition to falling flat, but I'm sticking to my "rip off artists / time travel" theory all the same.
The NY Post article quoted investigators as saying "Rosemond dishes when it suits him, yet makes a fortune off artists ... who titled a 2005 album "Stop Snitchin/Stop Lyin."
Most of it has been about ripping off artists (anything from exploitative contracts - Pop Idol, repacking underground sounds - Madonna, bribing radio stations, blatantly copying other artists - Rolling Stones, Sony, etc etc).
The vast majority of songs bought on paid download sites are singles bought from full albums; songs that are bought on a song-by-song basis off artist's albums are considered sales of singles, even though they have no official single for purchase.
"I'm a vibrating vegetable," the Rip Off Artist announces in the first song, while Max Tundra considers the roles of amino acids in "Lysine," and Cex imagines himself trapped in a malfunctioning space shuttle in "Stillnaut Rjyan."