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Would he understand, in the moment that his body became offal, why he'd lived and died?
Still, when it comes to offal, there does not appear to be much middle ground.
Something or someone needed her out here in this offal pile.
I would take that and "offal" out of the language.
The flies began to light on the offal by thousands.
"You could do better than leave it on a pile of offal."
Then the birds could feast on the offal the men had left behind.
"And maybe I'll throw this piece of offal over right now!"
I just want to be dropped offal the main entrance.
What could they find more strange than this lump of offal?
Offal has enjoyed quite a renaissance in the food world recently.
I will see you wander from offal to the grave and back again, many times.
The use of offal in dim sum does not stop there.
The word offal means the parts that fall off when the animal is cut up for meat.
Up above, someone was spraying the surface of the sea with blood and offal.
There are also many traditional and modern game recipes that use offal.
"You mean to surrender to these offal - without a fight!"
"Take it," he said, making a face as though the device were a piece of offal picked up from the ground.
He came out head first into the warm black offal o the night and rolled over, got up on his feet.
This the offal is only too happy to do.
In Hungary, a variety of traditional dishes are based on offal.
Blood and offal had soiled the front of her robe.
They are usually made from pig's offal or blood.
Yet nowhere in that heap of offal could he find food or drink.
Lucien tried to reason with them - the ignorant offal.