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"I have to let her parents know what the official line is."
"I really would love to hear the official line on this."
So that's the official line, and it makes a lot of sense.
The official line from the chief is that we're still concerned.
They just have an official line they're told to repeat.
It's also the official line of people who speak English.
The official line is that we all have rights and live in a democracy.
There but for the grace of God go you, was their official line.
That is the official line from the other campaigns as well.
But of course, as the official line changed, so did Shanghai.
The official line was thus that no major error had been made.
And those who followed said they enjoyed student notes more than the official line.
At one point the official line was that they were there to restrain the Americans.
Some businesses are willing to believe the official line until they see otherwise.
For now, the official line from Washington asserts that any war will not have to be a major economic event.
My father repeated the official line on how much progress we were making toward public safety.
On the other hand, they had been heavily influenced by the official line heard over the years.
The official line was that Iraq had "retired" its terrorists.
Franco was not even in the official line of succession.
In either case, the official line on the United States has changed.
If not, how can the Council justify a position which is so at odds with the official line?
I had to have someone give the official line, and with Vaughan away, you were the logical one.
To protect and encourage the home grown car industry in China (the official line).
The official line is that it remains Government policy never to comment on allegations of this nature.
Florida's official line is that its machines are so carefully tested, nothing can go wrong.