Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The dollar figure is calculated on the official rate of exchange.
The official rate of exchange is one standard credit per Mars dollar.
For visitors the official rate of exchange makes prices impossibly high.
Cooperative doctors, on the average, earn about $650 extra a month at the official rate of exchange, with some specialists earning more than $1,600.
At the official rates of exchange, that means a continuing rapid growth of the unified German money supply.
The dollar subsequently floated (it had no official rate of exchange between it and any other currency).
This was meant to be a temporary measure with the gold price of the dollar and the official rate of exchanges remaining constant.
He said the Government this year would spend "more than 10 billion tumans," or about $1.3 billion at the official rate of exchange, on arms production.
From that date, all foreign exchange receipts were to be surrendered to authorized banks at the official rates of exchange.
The official rate of exchange fluctuates daily; see the inside front cover for exchange rates at the time of going to press.
Guidebooks advise travellers to bring their fully duty-free quota, to offset the official rate of exchange.
The average monthly wage of Vneshconsult's dozen professionals is 800 rubles, or $1,320 at the official rate of exchange.
This is equivalent to $530 at the official rate of exchange, but because prices for many basic items are subsidized, it is indeed a good salary.
The government of Venezuela implemented rigid foreign exchange controls in 2003, including a fixed official rate of exchange.
An Iraqi official said newlyweds receive a long-term Government loan equivalent to $12,000 at the official rate of exchange.
Legitimate companies must deal at official rates of exchange, something no savvy Kenyan or Tanzanian would dream of doing.
At the official rate of exchange, the dollar is worth about 60 kopecks, with 100 kopecks equaling a ruble.
Last year, the Soviet Academy's budget was 1.5 billion rubles, or about $2.5 billion at the artifically inflated official rate of exchange.
Use these elements including the official rate of exchange (published monthly by us) applicable at the time the goods are removed from the customs warehousing arrangements.
The standard wage is less than $7 a month at the official rate of exchange, less than $2 at the more realistic black-market rate.
The loaves sell for 22 kopeks, Dr. Denissov said, which translates to about 30 cents at the official rate of exchange.
A ruble is worth anywhere from $1.60 at the highest official rate of exchange to as little as 35 rubles to the dollar on the black market.
There is one large company, Drvni Kombinat, making wood products, but salaries average only 200 dinars a month, or $20 at the official rate of exchange.
A typical agreement of this kind concerned Mercedes trucks which were expensive (about 70,000 dinars at the official rate of exchange in 1979) and extremely profitable.
Mr. Gorbachev said the Soviet Government had set aside five billion rubles - about $8 billion at the official rate of exchange - to help with rescue and recovery.