Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But that fable would not die to me so oft as any of my friends died.
"You followed what you felt, and that is oft right more than fine words?"
At two-two even you push oft from the outside of the ship.
The wiles of women have oft changed the course of man's world.
"About a tenth part of the money in fact which your father, sir, doth oft give for a bulb."
Those screened are then oft referred to local free or reduced-fee clinics for treatment.
O, yes, and went between us very oft.
He ran oft down the road toward Twanish.
I've heard it very oft.
'in times past it hath oft been necessary for my people to leave our valley and to go abroad amongst others.
These offices, so oft as thou wilt look, Shall profit thee, and much enrich thy book.
Unkind words too oft give hurt!"
"You so oft confuse me.
Bad beginnings oft make splendid ends!"
"Honesty is oft painful."
Moreover, despite their restraint, 'the Black Panthers couldn't throw oft their mutual attraction.
Five, ten dollars for letting his shirt be torn oft, letting his pants drop with his pride?
I'll tell thee, Diomed, This brave shall oft make thee to hide thy head.
'Tis beauty that doth oft make women proud; But, God He knows, thy share thereof is small.
The series has oft been repeated by RTÉ; below are the dates of original transmission of each series.
Why do you weep so oft, and beat your breast, And cry 'O Clarence, my unhappy son!'
With his height and size, not to mention whispers circulating about the MacKeltar in the Highlands, he frightened lasses more oft than not.
A trusty villain, sir, that very oft, When I am dull with care and melancholy, Lightens my humour with his merry jests.
Though intended as an iconic gateway, the Gate to the East has been oft criticized - both humorously and angrily - as resembling a pair of pants.