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The oilfield services company said the number a year ago was 945.
Iraq is not just a waste of lives over an oilfield.
A year ago the total was 806, the oilfield tool company said.
The area is also the world's leading center for building oilfield equipment.
For example a company may own drilling rights to a potential oilfield.
"I'd rather see them focus almost entirely on oilfield services."
It was the first commercially significant oilfield find in Texas.
Once at the oilfield, both victims were removed from the car.
Baker Hughes is one of the world's largest oilfield services companies.
The site is also used for the transportation of oilfield workers from production facilities in the area.
The oilfield has been in production since late 1998.
It was the most exciting thing since the oilfield riots of 1937.
All the oilfield workers were said to be Indian.
The area was an unused oilfield which at one time served as farm land.
When it plunges, stocks of oilfield service companies usually fall, too.
The oilfield services company said it believed most of the more than 200 points cited were without merit.
"We'll never know how many people have gotten sick because of oilfield wastes," he says.
But the oilfield work alone, experts say, may well take years and cost up to $10 billion.
It may also include slang terms used by oilfield workers to describe the same.
The local post office that had served the railroad and oilfield workers was closed in 1914.
The Houston oilfield services company said there were 766 operating rigs a year ago.
Occidental has a 36.5 percent interest in the Piper oilfield.
Remember, if anybody stops us, I'm just taking you to the new oilfield."
It is an oilfield with a natural gas cap.
Despite the discovery of an oilfield in the area, the population declined substantially over the following years.