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She's just kind of an old soul and always has been.
I remember at her age feeling like a very old soul indeed.
After all, the poor old soul was not long for this world.
But the most the interesting thing is that he's always seemed an old soul.
It might be that the old soul knew too much for the young brain to understand always.
And I think, sometimes, old souls search for new life.
He probably only had his pension to live on, poor old soul.
Speak to her, author, for the poor old soul was blind.
How could I have forgotten those two sweet old souls.
Her old soul did not fit into this new young flesh.
At the same time, older soul artists found new life in hip-hop.
After a few shows playing old soul and blues, the group began writing original material.
For a young British chick, she's got an old soul.
He had always been an old soul, the child who asked for slippers on Christmas.
This woman that you speak of here is a very old soul who has lived earth lives in these ancient cities.
Would you like some advice from an older soul, Cory?
He was the innocentest, best old soul I ever see.
How well I remember my grandmother's asking me not to use tobacco, good old soul!
No, actually he's brand new to me, though Brenda says he is a very old soul.
My dear old soul bring yourself and them right up here."
Lisa called him "an old soul trapped in a young body."
Well, there weren't many tears shed over her, poor old soul.
Sometimes her memory slipped up and she got confused, poor old soul.
It takes a wise old soul or a true innocent to see that.
He seemed to have what once would have been called an "old soul."