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But as a group they were clear omens of change.
In any other political system, the omens might look bad.
The omens might have been better were I a woman.
The Dark night has gone and good omen will come.
The omens were very bad, last time I got any news.
At least on those days she knew a good omen from a bad one.
We all got to have a look which I very much took as an omen.
Which last night had seemed to be an omen and not a good one.
For all his fine talk, Omen was really no better than the people he wanted to stop.
But there were a lot of bad omens last night.
Maybe it was an omen of something in my future.
He saw this as a good omen for his future.
If we meet again it could be a good omen.
It's a good omen with which to start the year.
Perhaps she thought it was some kind of an omen.
It was considered just another bad omen for the party.
This is the best omen for the future of music in general.
"Living next to him has been a bad omen for me."
So I think the omens, on the whole, are not bad.
They would be seeing a lot of Omen in the next few weeks.
In any case, he did not say but allowed Omen to answer.
Could he and Omen keep each other at bay for days?
A good omen that it was right at the center of everything.
It caught on the first try, a very good omen.
The omens, she said, had been particularly good that morning.