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He carried the sheet of onionskin over to the desk and laid it down under a light.
In a very few moments the warmth brought out the special ink that had been impressed on the onionskin.
There must have been something in the onionskin, the scented leather, that allowed it to explode before her eyes.
Some were written in a cramped hand, some typed on ancient onionskin.
Onionskin or onion skin is a thin, light-weight, strong, often translucent paper.
Your clothes all soaking wet and clinging to your little body like onionskin.
It looked out of place on her bitten and stained forefinger, which she ran rapidly over the onionskin.
Her eyes were closed, lids as thin as onionskin.
I have translated it into Bulgarian,' he said, after a moment, and drew out another sheet, this one typed onionskin.
Onionskin - antique, handmade German swirl, with many closely packed surface streaks.
Many were saved and passed down through the generations, including her reflections on that 1929 trip, typewritten on onionskin.
There was a sandwich consisting of carbon paper between some bond and onionskin rolled into the loudly humming typewriter.
"In this case," Croaker said, flipping through the sheets of onionskin, "his paranoia seems all too justified."
No matter how late it was when he finished, Drayton always transferred the plans and numbers to a tiny roll of onionskin that same night.
He saunters over to a table where they keep stationery, and pulls out a sheet of onionskin and a fresh pencil.
"Onionskin," she told him.
He reached in with two fingers and carefully withdrew a small wad of paper, onionskin, yellowed and shiny with age.
The shades and hues ranged from the palest onionskin pink to salmon and coral to transparent ruby red.
Sitting in the barrel, in front of the bullet, twined in a tight spiral, was a tiny roll of onionskin.
For the brief period when Cutler left the NSC, his carbon copies were prepared on "prestige onionskin."
Smith reached into the desk drawer and handed him a sheet of onionskin, Corbish took a small ballpoint pen out of his pocket.
The receiving operators would copy the order onto onionskin (multiple-copy) forms designed for that purpose, and would repeat the order back to the dispatcher.
There are, of course, the slice of cork and the onionskin and the strand of hair that youngsters are urged to examine.
It was thicker than the one in Hamilton's private file, but probably because his copies were on onionskin while these had been submitted on printed bonded forms.
A boat, sometimes a ship, rocking violently on steely dun water that splashed over the deck and soaked Grace's clothes so they clung to her like onionskin.