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But nearly all the refuse goes to 45 open dumps.
Open dumps are usually formed when making a foundation for a building.
A large amount of waste ends up in open dumps.
The 33 known "open dumps" are therefore expected to represent a much more widespread problem.
Fines are a common punishment for a person caught dumping at an open dump.
The government plans to open dumps temporarily and to build at least three incinerators in the region.
Open dumps are usually removed shortly after they are created.
Other documented bay water contaminants include leakage from an open dump at the station.
As a result, residents routinely block attempts to open dumps, often resorting to violence.
Mainly this included open dumps and burning of trash.
They usually breed pests and vectors which cause diseases to those living near an open dump.
Authorities said at the time that wolves were drawn to the remote area because people had been leaving garbage in open dumps.
Improper waste disposal continues to be an issue in Lebanon, with more than 700 open dumps used by municipalities.
The waste of an open dump would decay and form part of the soil as organic manure.
Open dump in a parking lot.
The concentrated effort targeted the open dump at McMurdo.
Disposal in the North occurs in open dumps.
Ermita is Manila's most air polluted district due to open dump sites and industrial waste.
But public buses, open dumps, unsupervised industries and aging cars continue to cough out contaminants.
Previous attempts to open dumps have been hampered by the protests of residents worried by health risks.
It also bans open dumps and discusses the implications of hazardous waste, recycling, and renewable energy.
Moreover, the Old Bethpage landfill contains hazardous waste, has been ruled an open dump and is an eyesore.
Residents and businesses often resort to burning garbage or disposing of it streets, rivers, vacant lots, and open dumps.
Indeed, only the city of Skopje has a processing center for household waste in the rest of the country, so they are left in open dumps.
To avoid contamination of the groundwater, the solid waste from the thermal treatment process is disposed in an open dump (landfill or "heaps"), not underground.