But the move opened the position, creating a situation more in keeping with Kasparov's conception of chess and his tactical strength.
As the material equivalence would lead one to expect, the game was close until Anand painstakingly opened the position for his pieces.
However, Kasparov found a way to open the position for active piece play with 15 c5!
That ominous move deserved greater respect than for black to open the position with c5.
With 9 f5, van der Wiel sought to open the position, but this move has generally not had good results for White.
The exchange, 12 de Qe6, opened the position somewhat for White's bishops.
The exchange 26 Qa5 Qe4 had the effect of opening the position for the white pieces to get at the black king.
Vanheste could not open the position by 19 e6?!
Ndf3, but his development is slowed as a result, and Black will gain dynamic chances if he can open the position to advantage.
If Black can open the position, White may well find himself overextended.