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Only five possums were found, the last one in 1909.
Between me and Possum, we can find a way to do this.
She decided to play possum when he walked in the house.
That was probably a lot of money back then, Possum thought.
And now be playing possum, waiting only until their door opened?
Perhaps he had been playing possum - if so, for how long?
Possum would pay no attention to the passing of the minutes.
Ask her out on a date, as some already have, and she'll play possum.
Possum started running, but Smoke was too fast for him.
They also go by the common name of fairy possum.
One time, a possum perched on the side of a town house.
But the major studios may not be able to play possum much longer.
Or was this the possum, crossing the road to get to the other side?
"You could have seen who he was if you'd chosen not to play possum."
He appears to be really sick, not just playing possum.
"She put a possum in," one of the little girls said.
He held out the possum to her, as if she might want to reconsider.
At which point, possums, I made my excuses and left.
"Ever have to catch a possum so you can eat?"
These make it an important food plant for possums and local birds.
"Possum took them all to see the dollar movie and out to eat."
By the time they are six months old, the young possums live outside the pouch.
That made playing possum pretty much impossible, so I sat up and tried to take stock.
Possum had given the receptionist an out, and was getting cold feet himself.
They had their guns at the ready, in case the bear was just playing possum.
Either way, keep an eye out for alligators, opposum and bald eagle.
Mysids are also called "opposum shrimp", because of the brood pouch present in all mature females.
However, Davis says the name may have been derived from sikwa (either a hog or an opposum and vi meaning a place or an enclosure.
Herpetotherium (Pygmy opposum)
Gracile mouse opossums, excluding the fat-tailed mouse opposum, in general, have a prehensile tail that is thin and really long.
Fox and the opossum who works as a building superintendent, Kylie Sven Opposum, steal produce and poultry from the three farms.
The Brazilian gracile opossum, Gracilinanus microtarsus, is a species of small opposum from Brazil.
One specimen of Patagonian opossum was caught using a dead bird as bait; this led some researchers to believe that the Patagonian opposum lives totally on birds.
Strachey set down words for walnut, shoes and two kinds of beast, "paukauns," "mawhcasuns," "aroughcoune" and "opposum."
It is conserved in a number of mammalian genomes (human, mouse, rat, chimpanzee, dog, cow and opposum), but not in fugu, zebrafish or xenopus genomes.
The street urchins learned to regard them with respect and to attack only in sizeable numbers, engaging the two boys just long enough to steal their catch, a brace of wood pigeons or several trout, a clutch of wild duck eggs or a couple of opposum.