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The machinery of civilization was a living body, with organismic Man as its brain.
Information processing is the prime function of 'mind'; its organismic role.
As such, they build bridges between molecular and organismic biology.
An essay on wisdom: Toward organismic processes that make it possible.
Symbol formation: An organismic developmental approach to language and the expression of thought.
The concept of development from a comparative and organismic point of view.
An examination of the genetic mechanisms which specify organismic development.
Laboratory studies explore how and whether toxic compounds cause disease at the organismic level.
The first is an organismic hierarchy, the second a social hierarchy.
It is designed as a general book on organismic biology, which deals with whole organisms rather than cells.
A key challenge in developing effective organismic computing methods is the problem of information overload.
The "O" (for organismic) mediates the relationship between the stimulus and the response.
We are the cutting edge of organismic transformation of matter in this cosmos.
Only then will medicine be possible as a true 'art' when organismic physiology becomes a truly perfected science.
Biocommunication research is applied to all organismic kingdoms based on empirical data.
They show primary and secondary roles, at both cellular and organismic scale.
Following Biology 2231, this course centres on organismic biology of plants and animals.
Also called organismic organization, this form of organizational structure was widely sought and proposed, but difficult to prove it exists.
It is a hierarchical architecture that comprises molecular, cellular, and organismic levels.
Patterns and processes are studied at the organismic, population, community, ecosystem, and landscape levels.
In their writing contrasting mechanistic and organismic structures, they outlined the differences between the two types.
They recommended an organic structure (also called an 'organismic structure') which has the following characteristics.
Lectures in organismic physiology with an emphasis on vertebrates.
Biophysics covers all scales of biological organization, from molecular to organismic and populations.
Gestalt therapy attempts to cure patients through placing them in contact with "immediate organismic needs."