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After his death more ornamental shrubs and trees were planted.
They even ripped out the ornamental shrubs and rose bushes.
The plant is much grown as an ornamental shrub, and for use in landscapes.
Several species are very popular ornamental shrubs, grown for their flowers, bark, and fall color.
In their haste, they often blow off the natural protective cover particularly under ornamental shrubs.
Christmas lights blinked from the edges of the roof, the ornamental shrubs.
Some species, especially M. africana, are grown as ornamental shrubs.
Many species are cultivated as ornamental shrubs in gardens.
It was introduced to North America as an ornamental shrub in the early 19th century or perhaps before.
Sturdiness: To provide a strong, tall trunk for certain ornamental shrubs and trees.
The square is violated with occasional planting, especially by the school to have lots of trees and ornamental shrubs.
It is grown as an ornamental shrub in tropical and subtropical gardens.
This same sort of phenomenon is essential to the survival of many ornamental shrubs and trees.
Low- voltage lamps picked out the path of a front walk or an illuminated ornamental shrub.
R. moyesii is cultivated as an ornamental shrub and has been used in rose breeding.
This name is also (and more often) used for Lantana camara, an ornamental shrub.
B&B's crops are blueberries, flowering plants and ornamental shrubs.
Ten years ago, tea viburnum, a tall ornamental shrub from China, was rarely seen even in private gardens.
"In my cosmology, indigenous wild deer are more important than exotic ornamental shrubs," she writes.
The tamarisk is used as an ornamental shrub, a windbreak, and a shade tree.
The terrain is level, with the post office set back slightly from the street amid a landscaped area of ornamental shrubs and trees.
My old front lawn is knee-high; all of the ornamental shrubs have browned and withered.
I pictured myself impaled on an ornamental shrub.
Under an ornamental shrub carved into a parasol, a young couple were copulating vigorously.
Ornamental shrubs were rare, but could include azalea, lilac, and mock orange.