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The program refers children to the university for orthodontic services.
Here's what you should know if you're considering getting orthodontic work done.
Answer: A child should have an orthodontic evaluation when they are 8 or 9 years old.
Eight years of age is a great time to have an orthodontic consultation.
She had her orthodontic appliances on for two years before they were taken off.
There are many general practitioners who also provide orthodontic services.
Taylor went back to work as an orthodontic nurse from 1969 through 1972.
Your wisdom teeth may cause problems with future orthodontic treatment.
Answer: Age 7 or 8 is a good time to have an orthodontic screening exam.
This treatment is not right for people requiring more extensive orthodontic work.
Braces and other types of orthodontic treatment cost a lot.
There were many times when I felt guilty during her orthodontic ordeal.
She received her orthodontic training and a master's degree in medical science at Harvard.
Orthodontic treatment can help fix the patient's teeth and set them in the right place.
In young children, orthodontic treatment may guide proper jaw growth.
Also around age 7, your child's dentist will likely suggest an orthodontic evaluation.
Orthodontic treatment can correct the way teeth and jaws line up.
The answer mainly depends on just how much orthodontic work your kids' teeth need.
Adult orthodontic patients are more likely to need lifetime retention.
They can also be used as anchorage for orthodontic tooth movement.
The most common cause in Western Society is orthodontic forces.
As the orthodontic operation was shut down, the company saw some patients who required emergency treatment.
The use of digital models is rapidly increasing in the orthodontic industry.
Many countries have their own systems for training and registering orthodontic specialists.
The norm for surgical orthodontic cases do not take this length of time.